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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lexus Dream

I had a dream this morning. I was driving a Lexus downtown somewhere. There was someone with me in the passenger seat. I was in the left hand curb lane on a one way street with a bunch of traffic. We went up a small hill. I had to give it some gas to get up the hill and the car started making some exhaust noise, like cars do when you give them the gas, but it was not a pleasant roar, or throaty growl, or any of those other noises car nuts enjoy, it was more of a "brp, brp, brp". Kind of annoying really.

As we crested the hill I could see that the traffic in front of me was slowing down, so I let off the gas, but instead of the immediate cessation of power and the start of engine braking, there was a delay of maybe half a second while the stupid computer evaluated my request and decided to act on it. Drive by wire, you know. It wasn't a problem though, we had plenty of room to slow down.

Now we are on a freeway interchange a hundred feet in the air and I make a wrong turn and as I crest another hill the road ends and we are launched into the air. I wonder if I am dreaming, but I am not waking up. Now while we are plummeted towards the ground I am thinking I really eff-ed up this time, we are surely going to die, unless some real fluke happens like in the movies where we get caught by a guy wire or something. Then I wake up.

I have never driven a Lexus, I don't think I have even ridden in one. There was nothing about the car in the dream that identified it as a Lexus, it was just one of those things you already know when you get there. I did read something this week about how Lexus had made 400 changes to their car in order to improve the ride quality. I don't think I've ever particularly noticed ride quality. Maybe if it jolted me, or was really bouncy. I do notice if a vehicle is particularly quiet or noisy.

There was no guard rail or even a curb at the edge of the road where we went off. That should have been a clue, but that assumes that there is logic at work here, and that would be wrong.

I think I might have some kind of bug. I slept eleven hours last night. I wonder if there is any connection. For a second there I really thought I was a goner.

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