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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Merry Christmas to Me

LEGO Saturn V, Bose Speakers

My kids showed me a little love this Christmas. I just finished assembling the rocket. Nothing like handling the pieces to give you an idea of the proportions. Note the 4th astronaut standing on top of the booster.

They also gave me a bottle of fancy sherry since I was curious about it. It's little stronger than wine which I like. Bourbon is like 45% alcohol. I can't drink it straight so I cut it water which makes it about 20%, which is about what sherry is. Strong enough to feel warm on the way down, but not so strong as to burn you.

My new toys are sitting on top of the 300 pound desk that oldest and I hauled back from Colorado many moons ago. I don't recall how we got it in the basement, but it's been sitting there, unused and unloved ever since. Until now. Now it makes a great workspace for assembling Legos.

Putting this kit together was so much fun I'm thinking about getting another one, maybe the lunar lander. If you ever watch Scott Manley's videos about space exploration, you may have seen a model of a Saturn V in the background. I never suspected it was a Lego model, but now we are brothers of the Lego!


Joe Texan said...

Looks fantastic! I've wanted that Lego model since it came out. One of these days...However, I did buy the AMT Saturn V plastic model kit for myself for Christmas. Now I just need the time to assemble it.

Chuck Pergiel said...

I used to build plastic model kits, but the last kits few ended up sitting on shelf, unbuilt, for years. Finally realized that my brain was already fully occupied. I think the only reason this one got assembled is that I could work on it when I woke up in the middle of the night. Fuzzy headed, I'm not good for much else, but I can put together Legos.

Joe Texan said...

I got a Hind helicopter plastic model kit for Christmas six years ago, and it sat on the shelf just like you said. Finally, last fall I decided to put it together, and now I'm wanting to try another one, hence the Saturn V. I believe the Lego kit would be far more enjoyable, glue smears or cutting tiny parts off the plastic stems with an X-Acto knife.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Fun, but not as satisfying. Maybe if I didn't spend so much time on my computer I would have more time for models.