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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fire Engine Maximus

Remember all those oil well fires in Kuwait when we kicked out the Iraqi's? Ever wonder how they put out those fires? Well, wonder no more:


  1. Yup! I used that thing to water my wife's flower garden. She was not happy with the result...

  2. Oil well fires, Rocky, not oil well flowers. Hmmmph. Buy 'em books, send 'me to school, and look what happens.

  3. WAY TO GO, PERGIE, BABY! I just posted the You Tube link up on my facebook- plus this;
    (talks about how he was JAILED for this & his technology suppressed.)
    and this;...
    (free energy news)

  4. ps; that guy in Georgia isn't the ONLY one who appreciates You!

  5. Sharon: Please! I'm not in Georgia! I live in a place where the snow is deeper than the fire hydrants. And no, it's not Washington.

  6. Dear Rocky- the dude in question abides in GEORGIA, thus, I'm guessing, isn't You! Addresses himself as Duncan, and asserts his appreciation for our very own Pergelator.Naturally I'd EXPECT someone who waters the flora with THIS thing, to perhaps-MISS that the first time around,..;) nyuk

  7. I'll bet this thing could do some real damage to a mountain fire- [which, dear Rocky, is where I live- on top]. EXCELLENT! I'll start the homeowners' committee fund drive right away...of course there will be all new residents by that time,...
    PROBABLY several generations, so, I'd best be getting it rolling A.S.A.P.

  8. Sharon:
    Not only can you use this to water the flowers, but it will make a pretty darn effective power washer for the aluminum/vinyl siding.

    Perhaps you can convince your homeowner committee to purchase one ... instead of renting a boring power washer every year.
