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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Word of the Day

Adagio was one of the ordinary words in the Jumble this morning. Adagio is an ordinary word? You're kidding, right? I always thought it was one of those Italian terms they use in music for slower or faster or louder or softer or something. In this case I thought it meant agitated. I mean they sound sort of alike, they have mostly the same letters, and lots of foreign words sound like English words. But no, adagio doesn't mean agitated, it means almost the complete opposite: languid, at ease, easily. No wonder no one ever uses it, no one would know what you were talking about. Kind of like restive, another word that irritates me to no end. Sounds like a version of rest, to relax, recover, take it easy. But no, it means restless. If you mean restless, why don't you just say restless? How about that, a free bonus rant, which means you get two, two, two! word rants in one!

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