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Friday, September 30, 2011

Google Feedback

Blogger's editor is a little flakey, has been for a long time. My desk computer is being a little flakey also, so I can't really know whether the problem is with Blogger or with my computer, so I don't really feel I have solid ground from which to issue a complaint.

But now I've got the new whiz-bang Zbox, and while it has numerous problems, I am able to get on the net, which I have been using to try and fix these problems.

Since I am here, I thought I would go ahead and write a post about what's been going on, and since we are all new here: new hardware, Linux instead of Windows, and a newer version of Linux since the last I time I played with it, I would go ahead and try the new version of Blogger.

And what happens when I try to write a post? Blogger is still up to its' old tricks, but now we have a feedback button on the bottom, so let's give them a little, to wit: 
Why is the first line indented just a smidgen? This is not just a problem with the new interface, it's been around for a long time. If every time you pressed the Enter key, you got an indentation to start a new paragraph, that would be fine, but you don't. You only get one on the first line, which is dumb. And it isn't even a proper indent, which should be three or four proper characters (not a narrow character, like a lowercase L or i). If you indented after every Carriage Return, one wouldn't need to put in an extra blank line to separate paragraphs, and you could get more text on the screen. That may or may not be what you want, but this single little bitty indent at the beginning is just wrong.
P.S. What's the deal with "separate"? I swear this word gives me more trouble, or maybe Google is just screwing with me. It does not matter whether I spell separate with 2 a's and 2 e's (separate) or with 1 a and 3 e's (seperate), the spell checker always complains.

And while we are complaining about spell checker, why does it complain about a's, but not about e's?

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