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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thinking about Guns, Or Not

 Some gun people staged an event in the Broad Ripple neighborhood in Indianapolis, Indiana recently. Broad Ripple is home to View From The Porch and The Adventures of Roberta X. The event was called OBRWG (Occupy Broad Ripple With Guns) and was intended (I think) to demonstrate that carrying a gun is civilized and should not be prohibited.

One Indianian posted this message on an internet forum. I thought it illuminating.
"I will use my workplace as an example. I work closely with about 15 people. Two of us are gun guys and the rest are pretty much uneducated to guns and gun laws. When the OBRWG topic came up how do you think it went? I'll tell you it was ugly. They had made up their minds that it was a bad thing and noone would change that. Even though I didn't support OBRWG I still tried to explain some things to them but it didn't register. That was 15 people. 86% of the people I work with everyday believe gun carriers are wrong, on power trips, have hidden agendas or are looking for trouble. Now imagine how a whole city thinks." - jd4320t
For cogent explanation of pistol packing, see this post by The Munchkin Wrangler.

Via Roberta X.


  1. Guns. What I hear about is neurotics killing innocents. I never hear about "A person was bothering me, I threatened them with my gun, and they left me alone." A few more of the 2nd kind of story in the press and everybody would support your need to pack heat.

  2. I think you have hit on something. Go poking around on pro-gun web sites and you can find numerous stories of the 2nd type. Problem is those kind of stories don't make the news. Nobody got shot? How boring!
