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Friday, December 23, 2011

Zwibbler Sketching Program

I needed a sketch to go with an explanation I was writing. I could have photographed my pencil sketches, but up close pictures of flat drawings distorts them (the edges all balloon out), my scanner has never worked, and shoot, it should be a simple matter to draw this on the computer. However, all the drawing programs I found are too sophisticated to be easy to use, until I found Zwibbler:

It still took me a couple of minutes to figure out how everything worked. All the other drawing programs I looked at wanted me to wade through 27 pages of conceptual instruction before I could draw a circle.

It took me several steps to produce the drawing at the top of this post, mostly because I couldn't find the crop function in Zwibbler (if there even is one). I drew a sketch in Zwibbler, pressed Print Screen, pasted the screen image in MSPaint, cropped the image there and uploaded it using Picasa to get the final sketch you see at the top.

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