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Friday, December 30, 2011

De Agony of De Feet

I am feeling better today. After the agony of last night's headache, any relief at all feels absolutely glorious. I am feeling so good today that I was able to (1) take the lights down off the tree, (2) suck the remaining 17 gallons of water out of the tree stand with a turkey baster, and finally (3) drag the tree out the front door and around to the side of the house. Of course, none of this would have happened if sugar-blossom wasn't in her we're-all-done-with-Christmas-time-to-move-on mode.

I've been feeling kind of ragged for a few weeks now, mostly because I haven't been getting enough sleep. Then the Christmas cold visited our house and now it's my turn to make like big honking faucet. Yesterday I was just kind of dragging, not bright enough to do anything really useful, but alert enough to take care of some chores. Wife & son went to the Blazers game last night and I volunteered to go pick them up afterwards. I miscalculated how long it would take to get there (a consequence of "not bright enough to do anything really useful") and as a result the exit from the game was in full flow when I arrived. I spent a good half hour driving around trying to find a way to our designated rendezvous. I probably could have accomplished the same result by simply inching along through traffic, but that kind of thing just drives me nuts. Eventually, after a cell phone call, two trips across the river, and a couple of wrong turns we were able to connect. Total elapsed time was about an hour and a half. By the time I got home I had the Godzilla of all headaches. Two Naproxen finally game me some relief and six hours of sleep made me feel like a new man. OK, a new man with a cold. But at least that accursed headache is gone.

View Rose Garden Navigation in a larger map
That expedition last night taught me more about Interstate Avenue than I really wanted to know.

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