Pages, some stolen, some original

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Source code on the web

Pieces, again. I may have hit on a way to put high-lighted source code on the web by using Notepad++ and Google Docs. I was using AEDIT and Google's web site thingy, but that didn't work too well, and any highlighting had to be done by hand.

Notepad++ will highlight your source code, but the real trick is the plugin NPPExporter will export your highlighted source code and turn it into html. As a bonus, it turns your tabs into spaces. Pretty cool.

Google's web site thing allows you to paste html into a page, but it filters it, which removes highlighting, amongst other sins.

Google Doc's allows you to upload the whole html file, as is, and then you can publish it as a web page. Which is how we got this: Pieces, again.

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