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Sunday, January 22, 2012


This button popped off my trousers today. When I picked the button up, I noticed that there seemed to be little points sticking out of one side, and I thought, hmmph, even buttons are getting fancy. I figured the little points were supposed to stick in the fabric to keep the button from turning. Only after I saw this photo did I realize  that part of the button had broken off and little points that I thought were a feature were only the remains of the break.

I think these trousers are ready for the dust bin. The backs of the cuffs are frayed and front pockets both have holes in them. I could have duct taped the cuffs and the pockets. Duct tape carefully applied to the cuffs might have started a new fashion trend, at least among unemployed seniors. Of course, if my wife found out she would kill me. However, fixing the button would have meant getting out a needle and thread. Actual sewing, that's beyond the pale. Fortunately, I have spare trousers in the closet.

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