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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Merry Christmas to Me

I got a pair of needle nose pliers for Christmas this year. I already have several pairs, but evidently it was not enough because there was never one handy when I needed one. This might be because I have small stashes of tools scattered all across my empire, and I don't have enough pairs of these pliers to have one in each stash, so one more pair helps. First day I had it I got something stuck in my teeth. It was really weird, I could feel it brushing my lip. Looking in the mirror is looks like a piece of nylon thread. Can't grip it with my fingers, or tweezers, but the needlenose pliers got a hold of it and yanked it out, no problem. Only, how did I get a piece of nylon thread stuck in my teeth in the first place? It's never happened before. Where the heck did it come from? All I can figure is that my toothbrush is falling apart. We shall see.

I was sure this picture was perfectly clear when I took it, but I was wrong. The piece of nylon thread is in the picture starting midway between the tips of the jaws and curving out to the left and down. You might be able see part of it. Bad choice of background I suppose. Better picture next time, I promise.

Update: It happened again! Now I am convinced the bit of nylon came from me toothbrush, I had just finished brushing my teeth after all. Obvious, eh? Except the stupid brush looks absolutely fine. Make that looked fine, I chucked it in the trash.

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