Pages, some stolen, some original

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Two Against One - Jack White

Somebody put lot of work into making that video, or I dunno, maybe they didn't. Surely it's a big deal to produce a live action video, I mean you need all those people and cameras, scenes and props, but animation requires somebody drawing about a zillion little-bitty pictures. Two minutes, twenty-two seconds translates into roughly 5000 individual pictures. That's a lot of drawing. And yes, I know they didn't actually have to draw little bitty pictures, they probably drew big ones and then shrunk them through the magic of photography. But that's just the actual production. Somebody had to come up with concept in the first place, or maybe it just appeared in a nightmare, but in any case they had to translate their vision into something other people could see. I don't know if the video has anything to do with song, but they both seem to have similar grim tones, just like the grittier side of real life.

I am having a hard time figuring out just whose name should get credit for this song. There seems to be a long list of names attached to it, some are people, some are bands and some are I don't even know what. It sound's like Jack White singing to me, so I'm gonna give him the credit. The rest of 'em can fight over the scraps.

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