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Friday, February 3, 2012

Music Videos

Last month I came across a treasure trove of music videos on YouTube, a bunch of songs I had never heard before that I really liked. This along with my resolve to try and make something out of Pergelator, led me to posting one every day. Even if I don't have anything to say, anybody who stops by will at least see that I'm still alive and still posting.

But I don't know if I will be able to keep this up, at least not without falling into the classic rock rathole. I swear, poking around on YouTube looking for something I enjoy is a first order time sink. I must have screened a thousand videos for every one I've posted. I was sure there was an unending supply of great tunes out there, now I'm not so sure. There is definitely an unending supply of dreck*.

Of the 42 videos I have posted so far this year 29 were music. Of those 29 music videos:
  • 12 were of the band playing
  • 8 were full on theatrical productions
  • 5 were montages of video clips
  • 3 were videos that used the tune as the soundtrack
  • 1 just had a single still image
It's great when I find a video that is like a miniature movie and has a song that I like. There are a few of them out there, fewer than there are good movies. I wonder if they ever make any money off of these.

Most of the songs were old. Some were more recent. The original dates of the tunes breaks down like this:
  • 3 are from before 1970
  • 3 are from the 1970's
  • 4 are from the 1980's
  • 1 is from the 1990's
  • 7 are from 2000 through 2009 (the naughts?)
  • 11 are more recent
Well, eleven newish ones, that's better than I expected.

In any case, maybe by posting these tunes I can help spread a little joy. The world can certainly use more joy. If you have a tune you like, send me the link, or leave a comment.

Spreadsheet with all the gory details here.
YouTube playlist for January tunes here.

* Yes, I know, there is no accounting for taste. One man's dreck is another man's ambrosia, and vice-versa. Me, I don't like the new style pop and rap tunes, and I especially don't like those with the EXTREMELY LOUD POUNDING BASS. Maybe it's designed to drive old people away, kind of the inverse of the mosquito buzz used in Britain to drive away kids from stores patronized by proper folks. Whether or not that's true, it certainly has that effect on me.

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