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Friday, March 16, 2012

Clooney Arrested!

I like George. I've seen a bunch of his movies. I think what I like is that he doesn't always play the macho tough  guy. Sometimes he plays the other guy, the one who isn't quite as tough, or smart, or clever, or nice. In case you haven't heard he and his father and a dozen or so other people got arrested when they were protesting outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.

Okay, we've got another celebrity making a fuss about some third world country. That's hardly news, seems like some celebrity is getting their face in the paper everyday for some kind of foolishness. I wonder if he is going to be able to get enough momentum to force any kind of change.

Some people might want the US to send our military over there and straighten those ragheads out. I admit that's  my initial reaction, but given the disaster in Afghanistan, I'm not so sure that's a good idea. (I don't know whether our involvement in Iraq was worthwhile or not.) The problem with Sudan is that they are supplying China with a considerable amount of oil, and anything that threatens to disrupt that oil supply is going to get China's attention, and I don't think we want a war with China. Other than a whole lot of people getting killed, it might disrupt our Walmart stores. Hell, can you imagine if trade with China got cut off? That would be a disaster for them as well as us.

1 comment:

  1. The world would be a more peaceful place if the USA pulled all its military back into the lower 48.
