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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Death To Obamacare

Health care in America is seriously screwed up. When Obama's Healthcare bill was enacted I thought it was a pretty good thing. Maybe it will bring some sanity to medical insurance. (Okay, maybe I'm delusional.)

Jennifer Abel presents a good argument about why Obamacare is BAD IDEA. Like she says though, any connection between the law and the constitution is tenuous at best.

The following is a collection of some somewhat disjointed thoughts. I think they are related. I have to go eat lunch now.

Recently we've had some cases here in Oregon over people not getting medical care for their kids for religious reasons. The courts ruled against the parents.

Advocates of science and modern medical care like to use logic, but sometimes I think the logic goes a little too far. I am a little concerned that modern medicine is creating a race of people who are dependent on modern medicine and are therefore weaker in a long-term evolutionary, survival sense. For instance, antibiotics have given rise to ever stronger strains of microbes. I would not be surprised if had a repeat of the Spanish Flu epidemic that occurred during WWI. Of course we don't need a new disease to kill a whole bunch of people. The old standards are still working just fine.

Stevie Wonder wrote a song called Superstition where one of the lines is "if you believe in things, you don't understand, it's superstition".

I like to say that I was raised in the religion of science, and by and large, I am a believer. But there are technological miracles that even I don't understand (like how an optical mouse works, or a transistor, or the reheat sensor in a microwave, just to name a few), but I have faith that somebody, somewhere, has done their homework and figured out the scientific principles necessary to create these modern day miracles.

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