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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hunger Games, Updated

The Hunger Games

Just got back from going to see The Hunger Games. My wife liked it, my son hated it, I thought it was great! My wife insisted on my reading the book before we went to see the movie. I did that yesterday. It was an easy, enjoyable read. I had to wait my turn because her copy had been getting passed around among all the teachers at the school where she works. My only criticism of the movie is that they all looked too well fed.

Update: My son thought the acting was horrible. I had just finished reading the book so I was totally into the story, and so my willing suspension of disbelief may have been a tad higher than his. On the other hand, the characters were all under duress, and you know, that can make you behave a little woodenly. (See The Inglorious Basterds.)

Update August 2023 replaced missing image.

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