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Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'm reading The Widow Killer. It's a murder mystery set in Prague in the closing months of World War II. Hitler has just died and things are quickly becoming chaotic. People are picking up all kinds of weapons and a kid shows up with a panzerfaust. I have never heard of such a thing, so I look it up. Seems it's an anti-tank weapon. I should have guessed that from the panzer in the name. Wikipedia claims it was a more effective weapon than the American bazooka. The warhead was able to penetrate eight inches of armor. That's a heck of lot of armor, shoot, that's a heck of a lot of steel. I've been around a lot of steel construction, and you just don't see eight inch thick pieces of steel. Do you suppose that's why tanks are so heavy? The allies used some captured panzerfausts in operation Market Garden.

Update November 2021 replaced missing video.

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