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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Letter to Umpqua Dairy


I stopped by Hank's Thriftway in Hillsboro, Oregon this evening and picked up a half gallon of Umpqua ice cream. I intended to get chocolate, but when I got home I discovered that I had mistakenly picked up a carton of Rocky Road. My wife claims she hate's Rocky Road. No big loss, more for me.

 The real reason I am writing is because there has been no Umpqua Lite Chocolate ice cream in the store for years. There are 47 other flavors, from maple-peppermint-blackberry swirl to fuzzy-peaches-and-raspberry delight, none of which interest me. Chocolate is only flavor I really want. Occasionally I will pick up carton of vanilla, and once in a blue moon I will pick up some strawberry. This is not a religious issue. I don't mind if you make and sell other flavors. I have even tried some of them, but they don't really do anything for me. Chocolate is what I want, and you have failed to keep me supplied.


Charles Pergiel
Silicon Forest

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