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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


There was a fire at an apartment complex in SW Portland last weekend. One apartment was pretty well consumed by the blaze. The heat from the fire warped the vinyl siding on another building about 50 feet away. I was surprised. The chain link is a temporary fence erected to keep the ghouls out.


  1. You (are allowed to) use PVC in/on buildigs in the USA? Wow!

    PVC is highly dangerous to both personal health and the environment when burned. PVC is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxic substances. PVC can emit highly corrosive and toxic hydrogen chloride when burned. It is also is a source of dioxin and phosgene gas when burned at temperatures below complete combustion. Coincidentally, phosgene, an odorless gas that can damage the lungs, is one of the substances used in chemical warfare.

    The chief concern here is the production of dioxin and furan. Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals known to man; burning common household trash at low temperatures can form these compounds, both of which are carcinogenic.

  2. I knew there was a reason I didn't want to use vinyl siding. I just didn't know what it was.
