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Friday, July 27, 2012


It just occurred to me that people sometimes believe things that are not true. Somebody could have told them something and they just accepted it as gospel without examining it, or they could have observed two independent actions and concluded that one caused the other, even if there was no connection between the two. I just finished reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman, that's what put me in this frame of mind.

It even happens to me. I wrote a computer program a while back to solve a difficult puzzle, and for a while I actually believed I had found the solution. It was a wonderful feeling, but in a couple of days it had faded and  I realized that, no, I had not found a solution. It was kind of weird.

P.S. Saturday AM. This morning I came across this story about people believing stuff that isn't true. Like all good American's, I never let the facts get in the way of my beliefs.

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