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Monday, July 30, 2012

Damaged Damages

Finished watching Season 3 of Damages (with Glenn Close and Rose Byrne as Ellen Parsons), and boy am I glad that is over. The first two seasons were pretty twisted, but they were at least partially believable. Season 3 though made no sense at all. It starts badly with Joe Tobin not making any sense, but before too long, nothing anyone is doing is making any sense. Made me wonder what the people who put this together were thinking. Were they like, let's write a hare-brained script, and people will watch it because they watched the first two seasons, which were pretty crazy, so if we make it even crazier, they'll like it even more? Or maybe they got 42 people to write one page of the screen play for each episode, and then they shufffled all the pages and dumped the result on the screen. I mean, they had good actors, they had a good story, why did they have to fuck it up so bad? I would not have been surprised if season 3 was the last one, but no! There is a season four and season five is in progress right now.

Obviously I'm missing something, I just wish I knew what it was.

P.S. I was looking for a picture of Ellen being serious, which is one of the main attractions of this show, but this is the only one that Google served up that fit the bill, and it isn't from Damages.

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