Pages, some stolen, some original

Sunday, July 8, 2012


An old science fiction story came to mind the other day. A group of astronauts had landed on Mars and discovered a series of what looked like stone igloos. They were in some sort of line stretching out for quite a distance. As you went along the line they got progressively bigger. Naturally, if you went the other way along the line they got progressively smaller until there was no evidence of any more. Each one these stone igloos was the same, except for each one being larger than it's predecessor. Also, the top was broken out every one, and the inside was empty. Eventually they came to the last one in the line. It was not finished. They found that it was inhabited by a large, slow moving, lumpish creature. They determined that the creature basically existed by eating the dirt and excreting bricks, which it stacked in circle around it until there was no place to put any more bricks, whereupon it would marshall its' forces, break out through the top of the igloo, move a few feet away and resume its' normal eating and building routine.

Sometimes I feel like that creature, living in my cave, putting up walls, keeping everyone out. Here I am, safe and secure in my suburban refuge. I wonder what it will take for me to bust out of here. Maybe building web sites will be the answer.

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