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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ape Man

Got me some ape-hangers for me new spanner. Well, semi-ape-hangers anyway. Big improvement over the old straight bars. Still not perfect. Cruiser bars would suit me better I think, but I don't know if I could get a handlebar stem long enough to make me happy. I'm gonna try adding the old bar ends and see how that works. I was gonna do the work myself, but these bars required new, extra long cables which would have to be cut to length, so I decided to just let the shop do it. Their price was ridiculously low.

We have a new bike shop in town: Hillsboro Bike Company. This makes two. Years ago when I was riding I used to frequent Bike N Hike, but now when I go in there and I see the large selection of fancy schmancy road bikes, I just cringe. My road bike has a seven speed cassette on the rear axle, and I thought that was excessive at the time. Now some bikes are up to ten speeds, ten speeds that aren't particularly useful, unless you are one of these maniacs who goes out for a 20 mile sprint before you go to work and then does a century with your bike club on the weekend. If you are one of those people, well, more power to you. I am not. I slog along as best I can. These days I am up to 3 miles a day. Pretty sad for someone won Cycle Oregon ( that was the year that the slogan was "Slowest One Wins". On the day we road over the mountain I was the last one picked up by the sag wagon, so that makes me the slowest and therefor the winner. Neener neener neener).

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