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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bright and Early

    Ran the car down to the gas station this morning for its' weekly fill up. It's really amazing we aren't all dead. I'm following a little blue car down Jackson school road and they are all over their lane and the bike lane as well. Drunk? Or just putting on their makeup?
    I'm sitting in the gas station waiting for the tank to finish filling and a giant, tandem tanker truck pulls in in front of me. The driver has obviously done this before. In no time flat he is out of the truck, has deployed his set of orange warning cones and is busily prying open the lids to the underground tanks. Then I notice these fluorescent yellow indicators around the lugnuts on the tanker's wheels:

Huh, another new safety feature: Wheel Check. Beware: their website starts playing a news broadcast automatically.
    On my way home I'm driving past a row of diagonally parked cars. There are a couple of cyclists standing by the back of a pickup truck. It looks like they are getting ready to go for a ride. Their truck is the longest vehicle in this row of parked cars. The back corner reaches all the way to the lane I am driving in. One of the cyclists is standing in my travel lane, totally oblivious to the fact that his doom is rapidly approaching.    
Fortunately, I am at least semi-awake, traffic is sparse and I have no trouble avoiding him. Ignorant fool.
    Farther along I see another cyclist riding in the bike lane. He is weaving all over his lane just like the blue car I saw earlier. Fortunately he didn't try that while I was passing him. Ignorant fool.

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