Pages, some stolen, some original

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bergen Norway

The Port of Bergen Norway
    Younger son just checked in via Skype from Bergen, Norway. The University of Bergen is six blocks from the port, where this picture was taken.
    Things are really expensive there. A six pack of beer is $30, a ordinary meal at a restaurant is $30. Still, it's cheaper than sending him a to private school or paying out-of-state tuition fees at some other state school. He's picked up a volunteer gig at a school cafe. He works three 4-hour shifts a month and that gets him a discount on food and beer. There's that word "beer" again. Are we seeing a common thread?
    He might be able to pick up a job at a grocery store, you don't need much Norwegian to say "good morning" and "your total is 999 Kroner", and everyone speaks English anyway. The job would pay minimum wage, but minimum wage is $20 an hour. It's good to have a large pool of oil in your backyard.
    The weather is pleasant right now, but he needs a heavier sleeping bag for camping out. That's probably gonna cost an arm and a leg.

Update December 2016 replaced missing picture with something similar, if memory serves.

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