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Friday, September 7, 2012

Pill Me

Eight days worth of magic.

I have an irregular heart beat. I think they used to call it a heart murmur. A few years ago (ten?) it got out of control and put me in the hospital. I sat there for a couple of days with an IV plugged into my arm until things calmed down and they let me go. So now I take a handful of pills every day. My cardiologist prescribed them, I take them, and I haven't been back to the hospital so I guess they work.

I've got a pill dispenser, a box with seven compartments, one for every day of the week. Once a week I set down and load the seven slots in my magazine with my daily dose of pills. It doesn't take long, five or ten minutes, but it is tedious, and I believe I need to be careful so I get the right number of magic potions in the right slots. So I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice if the pharmacy could load up a month's worth at one time so I wouldn't have to perform this little chore every week? I realize it's not much individually, but with the number of old people taking a handful of pills every day, this business of counting out pills is putting a serious crimp in America's TV watching. How can we be number one in TV watching if people have to count all their own pills? Vote for me, I'll put a stop to it.

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