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Friday, September 14, 2012

Veterans Jobs Corps

As our military operations wind down overseas, our men and women in uniform are coming home to a struggling job market. Recent veterans particularly struggle, experiencing an unemployment rate more than twice as high as the general population. During Senator Merkley's trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, the number one concern for our troops was if they could find a job when they get home. No member of our armed services serving overseas should have to worry about a job. Our servicemen and women stood up for us. And now we must stand up for them.
During August, Jeff called on Congress to pass a bill to create a new Veterans' Job Corps to put returning veterans to work. The Veterans' Job Corps Act of 2012 would do just that and provide funding to public organizations to establish training programs and job opportunities for unemployed veterans. The program would employ veterans in public works projects related to transportation, the protection and conservation of federal lands and water, and first responder work.
From Senator Jeff Merkley's (Democrat, Oregon) newsletter. It sounds like a good idea, but I am not sure it actually is a good idea, besides which I doubt it will gain any traction. Congress has never been particularly concerned about veterans.

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