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Friday, September 21, 2012

Who Are You?

Are you sure? The one app that I want to see on my phone is the identity app. When I call the bank, or my insurance agent, or just about any business these days (like the phone company), they all want to know who I am, and we have to play 20 questions to prove it. I went through all this crap with my bank the other day only to find out that, no, they were not going to help me. Well FU bank. You could have told me that without going through all this other crap, but no, they've got protocols. Worthless slimeball protocols.

This is something people have been trying to do for a while, and every time somebody comes up with a mechanical solution, some screenwriter comes up with a technique to get around it. (Gattaca and Minority Report spring to mind).

Update: Just had to play this same game at the pharmacy, and I was right there. "Papers, please", is beginning to look less onerous all the time. This can't be a good thing.

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