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Thursday, November 15, 2012


Ugly Betty Special Amanda's Sexy Outfits

Nothing special except that there were a couple of bits that were just crystal clear, and that I remembered so much of it.

My wife and I are driving in an older built up suburban area. There are commercial and residential buildings. There is a haphazard arrangement to everything, there are no sidewalks or curbs, roads kind of meander here and there. I've been to a zillion places just like this, it was mostly realistic. We stop at a house. I look around the corner and see that the there is a line of trees or shrubs along the property line. The back yard is really deep. I have to go somewhere so I get back in the car. I pick up a skateboarder who can direct me. He gets in the back seat. We take a right and head down a hill. At the bottom, the road curves to the right again and he gets out. I'm driving along and I can see that the back yard of the house where I dropped my wife and I realize I used to walk by here and see these really deep back yards all the time. I go back to the house. Inside it is well lived in, not a disaster but not pristine either. There's all kinds of stuff lying around, people here and there, red shag carpet on the floor. I turn a corner and there is a kind of cubbie hole with somebody's bed in it. I go back to the other room and sit down to watch some TV with the other people. A woman in the corner is aghast at the blue and gold outfit that a woman is wearing on TV. I don't remember actually seeing it, but that doesn't stop me from responding in my best fake Southern Hillbilly drawl that "I used to have one just like it", which gets a snicker from a couple of the other people there.

Update April 2021 replaced missing picture.

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