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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Time

California Bob reports:

    When that Romney video came out a couple months ago, I called a conservative friend and said: "What's that burning smell?  Oh, it's the last vestiges of Romney's campaign going up in smoke!"  I was stunned that the video didn't demolish Romney's numbers.  And now I'm prepared for a Romney victory.
    I'd prefer Obama, but Romney doesn't scare me.  Let start with the positive: I think he would do a really good job administering the executive branch.  And I think we would be much better material, than Obama, for the satirists and cartoonists.
    How he would work with congress is a question mark.  I don't know what his policy slant will be because (A) he's modified his views so much lately and (B) all his statements are such bland bromides.  What will you do about the economy?  I'll create 12 million jobs!  Health care?  Repeal Obamacare!  Illegal immigration?  Stop it!  The budget?  Cut spending, cut taxes, collect more money, increase services, slash the size of government, and boost military spending!
    It's like we're losing a war, and we're all in the war room asking "How are we gonna win this thing?"  And Romney is the guy who walks in and says, "Are you ready for my brilliant plan to win the war?  Well, we'll win it by beating the enemy!"
    In other words, a typical management consultant.  Promise whatever it takes to get them to sign on the line which is dotted.  All I know about his strategic vision is that he really, really, really, really wants to be president.
    I wonder what video he's talking about. I've managed to avoid learning much of anything about our two prime contenders. All I know about Romney is that he's white, Mormon, and hates his dog. I mean, why else would he tie his dog to the roof of his car? All I know about Barack is that he's black, Muslim, and loves his dog (all good Democrats love their dogs, don't they? He does have a dog, doesn't he?). A couple of weeks ago I heard that Obama was ahead in the poles by 4 or 5 points. That should make him a shoo-in this time, except I didn't think he would get elected last time, and he did, so what do I know?
    I woulda/coulda/shoulda voted for the Libertarian Candidate, I mean he managed to get on the ballot, but I don't think the he's got a chance in hell of getting elected. But I'm a coward. I voted for Barack out of fear, fear that Romney might get elected.  I think Romney's just a more righteous version of Bush, and Bush got us in the hole we're in now.

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