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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I was looking at some photos on and I saw this thing in the air. Okay, it's a drone of some sort, but it ain't got no wings. What's holding it up? Rocket motors?

It's a T-Hawk. Turns out that big black thing in the center holds a fan and just above it is a two cylinder chain saw engine. It's big advantage is that it can fly right up close to something, hover there and stare at it. Soldiers like to use it for checking out roadside lumps that could be IED's (Improvised Explosive Device, i.e. a bomb).

Take a Look at the T-Hawk!

This isn't the greatest video, but at least it has sound, so you can hear engine running, something you don't hear on some of the other videos. Evidently we have thousands of robots (both crawlers and flyers) deployed overseas in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Update September 2016 replaced video that has gone private with a promotional one from the Air Force.

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