Pages, some stolen, some original

Friday, December 7, 2012

No Comment - Updated

I've stumbled across a couple of websites this week that prompted me to want to make a comment, but, no place to make a comment! One site even exhorted readers to contact the author, but provided no way to do so. On one hand I can understand this. I mean if you are really busy running your miniature multi-media empire, taking the time to read and reply to comments could be cutting into your time on the cocktail party circuit. Still, if you don't want to hear from me, I don't really want to hear from you, so no links to these talk only sites.

Comment that just arrived via e-mail:
Stu Savory here (Eunoia), 
I am one of those with comments turned off due to permanent and sometimes offensive spamming.Anyone may send me a comment, but via e-mail, whereupon I will put non-spam as a comment online.But you already know this.  
You, OTOH, dear Charles, do not allow Name/URL comments, but Google Account only. 
I do not accept Google Account’s terms of use, and so cannot comment at your site, much as I would like to do so. Pot calling the kettle black?  
PS: Yes, you may put this on your site as a comment ;-)
Google has "Terms of Use"? I suppose they do, but I never paid them any attention. Blogger works well enough, or I've figured out how to make it do what I want, and that's good enough for me. Once upon a time  I tried reading one of those EULA things (End User License Agreement), but I quickly got bored. I do what I want and so far no one seems to have noticed. Well, Stu noticed, and I suppose a few other people have noticed, but I haven't done anything serious enough to warrant releasing the hounds. I have had a couple of disagreements with people, but I have not pursued them because I realize there is no point in arguing with A-holes. I have been there and done that to a capital A and it has done no one any good. I mean the only satisfactory conclusion to an argument is the death one of the participants, and there are generally severe consequences for that kind of thing, much worse than what you might get for violating a TOS agreement. I mean you could end up being the one not breathing.

So if you don't want some kind of internet ID, you can always send me a comment via email: c dot pergiel at gmail dot com.

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