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Thursday, December 13, 2012

North Korea Puts Satellite in Orbit

    The doomsday clock is still ticking. North Korea has launched a satellite into orbit. No mean feat considering it's the middle of winter in North Korea. Remember Frozen Chosin?
    The Washington Post has a story about this story. Some people are really excited about this rocket launch.

    The NBC has very negative view of this event. What a load of hooey. North Korea Tech dot org has some good information.
    Looking for the launch site on Google Maps was an interesting experience. Except for the capital city of Pyongyang, the entire country of North Korea is blank. No cities or roads or any other features are listed. Wikimapia dot org does not discriminate. By comparing the two, I was able to locate the North Korean launch site on Google, you know, just to see if I could.

Tongchang-ri ICBM Launching Facility

Inspired by Tam on View From The Porch.

Update June 2019 replaced missing map.

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