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Saturday, December 8, 2012


A true hero. Seeing the stick bit reminded me that Stu had something to say:
If we were playing tennis and I hit a ball over the net but away from you, then your brain can predict where the ball will be in the future and you will run over there. Dogs don't do that; they watch the ball and run towards its present position, effectively running in what is called a curve of pursuit.
I had never noticed this. Of course if the dog starts from the same point as where you are throwing the stick, or ball, or whatever, then a straight line to where the ball is now is no different than the path to where the ball will be. Another reason I may not have noticed this is that dogs are really fast. They are able to compensate for their lack of predictive ability just because their closure rate is so high that any change in trajectory is minuscule. Or maybe I just never thought of it this way.

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