Pages, some stolen, some original

Thursday, December 6, 2012

WWII - Bombing London

Some Brits have put together a map of all the sites where bombs were dropped on London during the first year or so of World War II. If you zoom out so you can see the whole area, it looks it London was absolutely plastered.

If you zoom all the way in you can see that only the occasional building actually got hit. 'Course this is just one neighborhood. Your neighborhood might have got it a bit worse.

The map is kind of cool, and it's nice that someone went to the trouble to translate the old paper archives into digital format, but when I tried to figure out who was behind it I got a little lost. The map was put together by Bombsite dot org, which was funded by JISC, which is some kind of nebulous quasi-governmental agency. I looked and looked at their site, but the more I looked, the less I understood. I guess this is part of the new world order that the fruitcakes are always hollering about. You don't need to know who or what they are, all you need to know is that they're helping make things better. Don't you just love bureaucrats?

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