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Friday, March 15, 2013


I rented a Nissan Altima when I was in Iowa. Got to the car and I wanted to put my suitcase in the trunk. Could not find the trunk release. It was dark and I was tired so I figure I just didn't see it. It's a four door car so I put the suitcase in the backseat. Several days go by with occasional use of the car and I still have not located the trunk release. I finally sat down and got serious and pressed this unmarked switch and found it.
There it is!

Here's why I couldn't find it. Until you push on it all you can see is a little arrow / triangle thing. Doesn't look like a trunk latch switch to me.
Stupid Nissan.

Bathroom at my in-laws house had this fancy switch.

I was there a whole week and I was never able to hit the right switch when I wanted to turn something on or off. I invariably hit the wrong switch two or three times before I hit the right one. You can't tell just by looking whether any of these switches are ON or OFF. In this case the Night Light switch is on and all the others are off. Or is the heat switch on, and all the others off? Do you see the problem?

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