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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Time Has Come Today - Chambers Brothers

The Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today (Audio)

This tune has been lurking on the edge of my consciousness for the last week or so, but no amount head scratching or YouTube searching revealed it. So I finally resorted to asking my two experts (Dustbury and Ex-Post-Hip Scott) and they both responded within milliseconds. Well, hours actually, but the next time I checked my mail they both had the same right answer. Well done, dudes. It was a hit in 1967.
Lester Chambers, the group's lead singer, seems to have fallen on hard times. Lester was born in 1940, which was like an infinite time before I was born, but he is only a few years older than I am. How can that be?

Update May 2020 replaced missing video.

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