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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

USS Guardian on Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea

USS Guardian
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The American minesweeper USS Guardian ran aground on the Tubbataha Reef January 17, 2013.

No longer applies: [Photos are arranged in chronological order. The first few photos are from its career prior to this ignominious event. Most of the pictures were taken since then. The last third depict the salvage operators dismantling the ship in order to remove it from the reef.]

The reef is in the middle of the Sulu sea in the Philippines  a hundred miles from land in any direction. The reef is a National Marine Park and World Heritage Site and the Philippines are understandably ticked off that we managed to get our ship stuck there, so the U.S. Navy is trying to minimize the damage to the reef as they try to remove the ship. Photos from Military Photos dot net.

Update June 2019 replaced dead Picasa slideshow with image and link to Google Drive album.

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