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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Light Bulbs

Many, happy, 60 watt incandescent light bulbs. Burn, baby, burn!
My house runs on 60 watt incandescent light bulbs. Half the ceiling fixtures use them, and most of them are fully enclosed. I'm looking on Amazon because I need some and I don't want to have to remember to get them and I can't put them on the list because I may not be the one going to the store, and I'm not going to put the burden of finding the right light bulb on my wife. I mean, I have a hard time finding the bulb I need when I go to the store. (Am I being sexist? Maybe. Maybe I'm just picky, or cheap. Or maybe my wife and I have divided the household chores and I got the light bulb straw.)
       So I'm looking on Amazon and there's a 12-pack of old fashioned incandescents right at the top for $14 which makes them only a little over a dollar a piece. There are a zillion other varieties and being a glutton for punishment I take a look at a couple. I need bulbs that will work outside in the dead of winter, so no CFL's (Compact Flourescent Lights), they take forever to come up to full brightness. They might be getting better in this regard, but I don't think cold weather will help and I don't want to spend the time to find out. Then there's LED's which have come way down in price so they might almost be worth trying EXCEPT you can't use them in enclosed fixtures.
Question: can i use this bulb indoor on an enclosed ceiling fixture?
Answer: Philips recommends against it. The base of the bulb has this printed on it: "not for use in totally enclosed luminaires". The box says nothing about this restriction, which I feel is quite misleading. I have yet to see a Philips LED bulb that is rated for use in totally enclosed fixtures. 

By rrr on June 21, 2016
That's just weird. I would think that if a fixture can handle the tremendous amount of heat generated by an incandescent bulb, it should be able to handle the minimal amount of heat coming from an LED. I mean 100 watts versus 8 watts, you shouldn't even be able to detect the heat from an LED bulb. But that's Philips for you. Corporate new doublespeak at its finest.

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