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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Acts Of Vengeance

Acts Of Vengeance Trailer #1 (2018) | Movieclips Trailers

Acts Of Vengeance is an empty action / revenge movie. Starring Antonio Banderas as a successful criminal defense attorney who speaks 80,000 words a day, four times as many as the average woman and almost five times as many as the average man. They use a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius to introduce each of the five (or is it six?) chapters. That's an awful lot of chapters for such a short movie. Antonio picks up a copy of the book after he crashes through the plate glass window of a bookstore. He uses it to staunch the blood from a knife wound inflicted on him by a 13 year old whore after Antonio beats up her pimp. The whore is wearing braces. That's about as substantial as the movie ever gets.I have a copy of this book on my bookshelf. I picked it up not too long ago, but I haven't read more than a couple of pages. It's not what you would call a page turner.

2005 Mustang
There are some good fight scenes. Antonio picks up a dog and a cute girl along the way. He's successful, so he's got a fancy house and some fancy cars including two Mustangs. We see him driving the older one, but we only see the newer one in a couple of brief shots, so brief I wasn't sure just what it was. I had to go to the International Movie Cars Database to be sure.

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