Taliban fly US Black Hawk helicopter above military parade in Kandahar
The Telegraph
I put up one post about this, or maybe a couple, and I thought that would be enough, but someone put some Ovaltine in my Cheerios or something, and this article on RT pushed me over the edge.
Our withdrawal from Afghanistan looks like the biggest screw up since I don't know what. Maybe in the history of the world, I dunno. It's completely inexplicable. It's so bad that no one has even tried to explain it.
I mean, who the fuck is in charge anyway? Biden? Somehow I don't think so. He might be in charge of his faction, but he's not in charge of the military. Apparently no one is.
See my previous post on the subject for some speculation on what's going on.
I don't think that equipment was abandoned by the US military, more likely had been given to the Afghan military which folded like a paper bag and lost that stuff to the taliban.