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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Your Vote Doesn't Matter

Republic Services
Hauling your ass to the dump

What matters is the votes in aggregate, and that is pretty much determined by who has the most expensive advertising campaign. Yes, there are exceptions, like Bloomberg spending $400 million and getting nowhere, though I don't know how that compares to other campaigns. And there was Zuckerberg's campaign to 'get out the vote' that put Biden in the driver's seat.

I've been thinking that we really need a new political party, a party dedicated to the principles of the our republic. The 20th Century was spectacular. It brought us a huge increase in population, a couple of horrific wars that have now morphed into the forever war, and absolutely astounding technical accomplishments. All this has contributed to our slide from a republic populated by brave, true and honest citizens into an empire where it's every man for himself, money talks and virtues are a bug, not a feature.

The regime that is currently running the country, which includes everyone working for the government, the defense industry and the two major political parties, is not interested in the welfare of people. The entire edifice is constructed to pump as much wealth into pockets of their members and to hell with everyone else. Some of that wealth is newly created, but a large portion of it comes from squeezing everyone who is not a member of this wolf pack. The frigging government has become the Mafia, much like the government in the old Soviet republic.

I think there are people who would agree with me on the need for a new political party, but they are a tiny minority, maybe 3%, and three percent are not going to win any elections. If this new party is going to have any chance of success, it is going to need a massive bankroll. There might any number of billionaires out there who would be willing to fund such an endeavor (somewhere between none and a few), but the problem is how do you keep that large a bankroll from corrupting the people who are managing it? I mean, we've got a zillion dollars here, who's going to miss a million or two?

What we need is a new religion. Great. The world has a zillion religions and while they can often bind a group of people together in a common cause, they also often require beliefs that many people just cannot abide. Rational thought is not something that inspires religious fervor. Rational thought is what we need to administer a just and proper republic, but it's religious fervor that gets people moving. I think that's what you call a conundrum.

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