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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Good News, Bad News

Good Times Bad Times (Remaster)
Led Zeppelin

suspects being addicted to the news might be as bad as being addicted to cigarettes. I understand what he's talking about because I have a bit of an addiction to the news as well. Skimming through the headlines on Feedly is part of my daily routine and inevitably I come across something so incredibly stupid that it gets my ire up, sometimes enough so that I feel compelled to dump my ire onto the keyboard.

What kind of stupid shit gets my ire up? The idiots running the governments in Europe. The president of Hungary seems to be only one with his head screwed on straight and that might be because he is the only one not getting a zillion dollars a minute from Uncle Sam.

Could it be that all of the governments in Europe are bent on being kicked out of office? Because that is surely what is going to happen if they continue on their mad course of being green and sanctioning Russia. The only question is whether they will be kicked out before of after famine arrives and they start freezing in the dark.

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