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Friday, January 19, 2024


Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually
Pax Tube

I remember that there was a time when I wondered why western Europe had engaged in the Crusades. It seemed like a bunch of religious nonsense. Why are we traveling thousands of miles to fight the Moslems? Just to take over Jerusalem? It never occurred to me that the Moslems were encroaching on Christian lands, even though I knew they had invaded Spain. El Cid:

El Cid 1961 Trailer
Screenbound Pictures

WW2 was basically a religious war against the Nazi and Japanese belief systems, and the Cold War was against communism. We have fought numerous small wars in Moslem countries, but they were always against terrorism, never against Islam in particular.* I suspect it is because Moslem countries have not shown themselves to be much of a threat, but rather have shown themselves to be less than competent. Perhaps because their belief system doesn't place much value on actual competence, but rather on obedience.

*  I said 'in particular' instead of saying 'per se' because I've developed an aversion to that phrase, not sure exactly why.

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