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Monday, April 8, 2024

Missouri Cheese Cave

Cheese stored underground in a former limestone mine, Missouri

Rumor has it that the government has 1.4 billion pounds of cheese stored in these caves under Springfield, Missouri. The Farm link Project has a page about this as does Wikipedia.

One pound of cheese can provide enough calories to sustain one person for one day, so 1.4 billion pounds is enough to sustain the entire country for like four days.

The natural temperature of the cave is 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but refrigeration brings the temperature down to 36 degrees. I wonder what the electric bill is.

It would be a good thing to have all that cheese in case of famine, but 70% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. 

It sounds like a government project run amuck, but this is small potatoes compared to some.

Via a meme on Bustednuckles


  1. Even the lactose intolerant can eat cheese.

  2. Huh. Did not know that. Seems to be true.

  3. Had some of that Reagan Cheese back in the day. It was OK.


  4. If I remember right back in the '50s our school lunch program got a lot of government cheese.
    The government got involved because the congress critters passed laws to prop up the dairy voters... um, I mean farmers.
