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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Brigands: Quest for Gold

Brigands: The Quest for Gold - Official Trailer | Netflix

19th Century Sicily, brigands, which used to be bandits, have become a political force. The show is pretty bad. This line is sums it up pretty well: Valeria Maiolino of gave the series two-and-a-half stars out of five, but commended its set design, costumes, and makeup.

Part of the problem is that most of what the characters do doesn't make any sense. Nobody trusts anybody else, and for good reason, they can't be trusted. Alliances are formed and reformed so quickly that it's hard to tell if they are for real or fake. Even if they are heart felt at the moment, the heart is fickle so they may change at any moment.

Then you realize this is war-torn Sicily where we have bands of criminals roaming the countryside and it's the 19th Century so the drink of choice is red, red wine, so they're basically all drunk all the time, so it's actually pretty realistic. But that's not what we want. We want a nice story with honest heroes and brave damsals, but what we've got is reality TV.

This castle shows up as a prison. It is actually Castello Alfonsino in Brindisi, Italy, which is in the boot heel of Italy a couple hundred miles from Sicily.

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