Pages, some stolen, some original

Saturday, May 25, 2024


A self support scheme from HM Government
Scarfolk Council Citizens Advice

hopeless &
like you're
going mad?

Don't worry.

Let us reassure you that everything your're
feeling is completely justified and proves you
have fully comprehended the true severity of
your situation. Be proud of your keen
insights, but be aware that we cannot offer 
support to people of inferior value*.

Keep if to yourself. Discontent is contagious.

* To find out your current value in pounds & pence write
to your MP and include a self-addressed stamped envelope,
unless your previous evaluation was less than a stamp.

For more information please reread.

Update a couple hours later I decided to transcribe the poster. I wanted to remember it.

According to Hoyt has a premium selection of memes today.

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