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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Machine Dream

Karman Ghia

I am standing on the front stoop of a normal suburban house and a Karman Ghia pulls into the driveway. It's a dark color, maybe black, and dirty like it's a daily driver, not some showpiece. I know it's not my current house because the driveway slopes down from the street. The driver gets out and asks for one of my kids. I tell him they are not here. For some reason he reminds me of Phil Hathaway, a guy I knew back in high school in Ohio. He gets back in his car and drives away.

Electric Karman Ghia

A few minutes later another Karman Ghia pulls into the driveway. This one is a lighter color and little scruffier and it's electric. I walk over to talk to the driver and I notice there is a large block like the size of a dining room table attached to the right front corner. There is a big industrial looking chest sitting on top of this block and the whole thing, chest and block and covered with some kind of green fuzz. I look again and I realize the chest is actually the headstock of a giant industrial lathe.

Big Lathe

Yeah, time to wake up.

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