Pages, some stolen, some original

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Coin

Museum Island Berlin

The show Crooks opens with the brazen smash and grab of a valuable coin on display in a museum on Museum Island in Berlin.

The Coin

The coin is a Russian half-imperial gold piece, minted in 1780 by Catherine the Great. Numista tells us that in 1895, a half-imperial was equal to five rubles, which contradicts what someone in the show says  later on when he tells us the face value is two rubles.

1766 Russian Two Ruble Coin

There are such coins available on the market for modest prices. 

1787 Brasher Doubloon
Last Auctioned for $9.4 million

There are also other gold coins that people have paid extraordinary amounts for. The condition of the coin is going to have some bearing on the value, but rarity is what drives the price to stratospheric heights.

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