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Monday, May 27, 2024

The Gentlemen | A Guy Ritchie Series Official Trailer | Netflix

The Gentlemen | A Guy Ritchie Series Official Trailer | Netflix

Looking for something to watch last night we come across The Gentlemen and it has Guy Ritchie's name attached to it. Guy Ritchie? Yeah, I think I've heard of him before. It might be okay, so we give it a shot and it looks like it is going to be very entertaining.

Edward Horniman has unexpectedly inherited an estate of 15,000 acres (6000 hectares) and the title of Duke of Halstead at the reading of the last will and testament of his deceased father. He learns that the land has become part of a weed-growing empire run by Susie Glass. He must navigate a world of eclectic and dangerous characters with nefarious agendas, while also trying to protect his home and stay alive.

It starts with the British soldier Edward serving with a UN peacekeeping force in some far off country. He gets home in time to hear a few random lines from his father, but no information about the state of the estate. That becomes apparent in short order. Right off his biggest problem is his older brother Freddy who was expecting to inherit everything. Matter of fact he was counting on it because he has a four million pound gambling debt due and interest is piling up to the tune of a million pounds a week. But just so you know how much of a flake he is, he takes two million pounds in cash from papa's safe and bets on an illegal fight hoping cover his debt. He places the bet with an another obvious flake, who has just put the money in his pocket.

As you might expect, hijinks ensue.

15,000 acres is like 24 square miles, a fair size chuck of land. However, it doesn't make the list of The UK's 25 biggest landowners. Many of those seem to in Scotland. Someday I may page through that list and compile it into a spreadsheet, but not today.

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